Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Grandmother is in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit

     I have been very busy lately.  My Grandmother had to have an ambulance take her to the emergency room last Wednesday morning.  She had a heart attack in the emergency room.  They took care of her and saved her.  She is still in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.  She has fluid on her lungs and her condition is still very fragile. 
    It is very difficult to only be able to sit back and wait.  This waiting has all but encompassed my every thought.  I have thought several times I should really sit down and write a blog.  I simply do not have a mind full of thoughts, ideas, questions to research. 
    I suppose I could research heart health and blog about what I find.   My Grandparents  lived pretty healthy lives.  I suppose sooner or later no matter how healthy you live something will still go wrong.  I might even go so far to say, if they had not lived as healthy of a life that they might not have lived through as much as they have.
     Any way, I just wanted to let every one know I have not forgotten you...  I will be back loud and proud before you know it.  LOL!