Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Homemade Tanning Coffee Body Scrub/ Mask

    A friend of mine posted one of her favorite homemade body scrub/ mask recipes on facebook a few weeks ago and I told her I would try it and then blog it.  I did try it.  Now, I'm blogging it!  I was very excited about this recipe because its very simple and easy to use.  Its a little messy but well worth it.  I found this scrub/ mask to have a staining effect.  I came out with like a tan effect after use.  Now I have problem skin so I have some warnings for any one who has similar skin problems as I do. 
    My first problem is that my skin is pretty pale but with reddish undertones.  My results on my face were more extreme than I wanted and it seemed to really bring out the red in my skin tone.  So my recommendation here is if you have a skin tone or type that you think might not work well with this scrub/ mask you can just skip your face area.  Another solution could be to only use it as a scrub and just not leave it on as a mask for a the two minutes. 
    My second problem is that I have plaque psoriasis so my problem areas of this skin problem I spend a lot of time fighting redness in these areas.  Of course in these areas of my skins problem zones did amplify the red as well.  Once again, You could only use this as a scrub to exfoliate and then clean off these type problem skin zones or avoid them all together.  I know with any tanning effect item or tanning beds or spray tanning you have to be careful with these problem areas, knees, elbows, face, bottoms of your feet and heels.  So ladies we all know the drill and if you did not you do now. 

Homemade Coffee Body Scrub/ Mask
1.  2 or 3 tablespoons coffee.  You can use any coffee but my friend loves Pumpkin Spice Latte Coffee.
2.  2 or 3 tablespoons Olive Oil or Coa Coa Butter Oil.

     Mix these together just until it is evenly mixed together.  You will definitely want to use this in a tub or shower because it is messy and it will get every wear.  Just massage over skin.  Avoid problem areas like face, elbows, knees, or heals.  Or go ahead and scrub for exfoliating effect.  Use a moist wash rag to remove scrub from problem areas.  Wait in shower or tub for 2 minutes.  Rinse in warm water and then in cool water.  That's all.

Charla N. Stephen Winters

Monday, September 17, 2012

Homemade Dish Soap Liquid and Mulit Surface Spray Cleaner

     Last week I ran out of practically every kitchen cleaning product I had.  I needed dishwasher detergent, liquid dish soap, and multi surface spray cleaner.  Thankfully all I had to do for dishwasher detergent recipe was to refer right here to my own blog.  I made the dishwasher detergent by the recipe I have posted here only this time I added 4-6 drops essential eucalyptus oil.  It was all I had but it worked well and smelled good.

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent w/Eucalyptus Oil

1.  One part (this time I used 1/2 cup) Arm & Hammer Washing Soda
2   One part (1/2 cup again this time)  Borax 20 Mule Team Borax
3.   4-6 drops Eucalyptus Essential Oil
4.    Store in air tight container.

     I still needed liquid dish soap and multi surface spray.  I had an empty liquid dish soap bottle and an empty spray bottle.  I just rinsed those out and used them to house these next recipes I came up with on the spot.  Need no reference or link for this.  I should look these up on the Internet because I would not be surprised to see them out there some where. 
     I started with my stored homemade Ivory liquid soap.  I had some left from when I made some and blogged about that.  Then I added in some of the dishwasher powder detergent I had just made with the Eucalyptus Oil.  I had a very small amount of bleach that I added.  I filled the bottle the rest of the way up with hot water from the tap to dissolve the powder.  I think the bleach helped to dissolve the powder as well.  I shook very vigorously after putting the top back on very tightly.  Then I tested my new Eucalyptus scented multi surface spray cleaner.  It worked great and smelled great.
Homemade Liquid Ivory Soap
1.  One 4 oz bar of any type of soap
2.  One gallon of water

    Grate the bar of soap with a hand grater.  Bring your gallon of water to a boil.  Add in the grated soap.  Boil soap shavings in water until completely dissolved.  Turn off stove eye and remove from heat.  Stir very well and let cool for 15 minutes.  Mix with hand mixer and let stand over night.  Mix with hand mixer again in the morning.

Homemade Liquid Dish Soap
1.  2 Tablespoons prepared homemade liquid (Ivory this time) soap
2.  4 Teaspoons prepared homemade dishwasher detergent powder
3.  1 Tablespoons bleach
4.  Add 14 ounces hot tap water
5.  Store in air tight container (I used old liquid dish soap bottle)
6.  Shake vigorously

     Now for the multi surface cleaner spray.  I really did test this on many different surfaces in my home.  Kitchen counter tops, wooden table tops, metal stove top, even bathrooms and glass.  It took the crayon of the window and mostly off the wall.  It did not get the crayon off of the wall as well as it did the window but it did better than nothing at all.  I am sure you all know the challenges of crayon on surfaces and we all love and depend upon our magic eraser's for that.  I mean if I had never used a magic eraser I would say these were the best results I have gotten as far as getting crayon off the wall. 
      I am sure that so many of us especially living in mobile homes or apartments and even so many houses struggle with pest control and roaches.  We all fight the good fight even if we know we are only keeping things manageable.  I noticed with this spray multi surface cleaner that it seemed to detour the bugs.  I would still see them in the kitchen but when I would come back to clean next time there was less of that annoying bug mess that they leave every where.  To me that by its self was a small victory.  I have already gone through 3 or 4 bottles of that stuff trying to clean every thing in my home with it.  I want my home to stink to those pest. 

Homemade Multi Surface Spray Cleaner
1.  5 Tteaspoon's prepared homemade dishwasher detergent powder with Eucalyptus Oil
2.  1 Tablespoon Bleach
3.  Optional 1 tablespoon prepared homemade liquid dish soap
4.  20 Oounces hot tap water.
5.  Shake very vigorously

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

We need to vote for this!

     This vote is, to my understanding, to amend the constitution to keep Medicaid in Alabama.  I have been very upset about the upcoming changes in health care as a result of Obamacare.  As a matter of fact I just got a job with the WIC office in my home town that I am not sure will even exist by the time Obamacare is finished.  I am working my way out of this hole and its a slow steady climb.  I am making progress but until I get on my feet my family would suffer incredibly from the decrease in health care. 
     I clicked this first link and watched a video about what is on the line about this vote.  I have been very worried about this topic and I am so relieved to have an answer.  I hope especially any one here in Alabama will look into this and get out an vote.  I know I will be!
     I clicked this second link and it led me to where I can go to vote locally to where I live.  This link also includes information for absentee voter information.  Just click on voter information.  I found this information very user friendly.  I appreciate any of you who read this and act on behalf of the state of Alabama!    

Here's the link!

Monday, July 16, 2012

Aloe vera sore throat remedy

    I went to bed with a low grade fever and woke up with a sore throat and achy body and still running a low grade fever.  I suppose I need to go to the doctor to be tested for strep throat, but in the mean time, I need to treat my symptoms at home.  My throat was sore this morning and I woke up wanting some of my aloe juice.  I drank one 4 oz serving and it soothed my throat so more I drank two more 4 oz servings.  Drinking the aloe juice soothed my sore throat so well that even now at least 2 hours later I have not had more juice but I still have had no sore throat. I thought 'man I gotta google that.'
    This is what I found.  We all know aloe is some great stuff.  It has so many nutrients and healing properties, and vitamins, all with no harmful side effects with regular use.  I think I could write another 20 blogs on just aloe alone. 
    This web site says that you can drink or gargle with aloe to sooth a sore throat.  It gives a recipe for aloe gargle that you can use to sooth a sore throat.  It says if you put a lid on this mouth wash it will keep up to 4 months unrefrigerated.  Woo Hoo. 

Here it is!
1.  1/4 cup witch hazel extract.
2.  1/4 cup aloe vera gel
3.  1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin
4.  1 tablespoon lemon juice or organic apple cyder vinegar
5.  10 drops tea tree oil

    Shake well

    When purchasing aloe juice or products just be sure to check the label and make sure it is 95% aloe, and avoid purchasing those with less than 80% pure aloe vera content.  I am so excited to have a chance to read this and you can bet I will be blogging more about the benefits of aloe!

Heres the link

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How to make bar soap into liquid soap chemical free

    Just a few days ago I ran out of baby wash for making my homemade baby wipes.  I got online to see if I could make liquid soap.  This worked just fine.  Of course I made a few mistakes but it was enough to get me by for the time being. 
    I misread the ingredients and thought it said to use a 8 oz bar of soap, it says to use a 4 oz bar, and so my liquid came out way too thick in the end.  When I had it on the stove it was still hot and very liquid so I thought it might not measure the same as regular liquid soap in my baby wipe recipe so I added more than normal and my baby wipes came out too soapy.  Now I am having to rinse my wipes off before I use them on the baby.  This is why I can't say yet just how to use this recipe as a substitute for liquid soap in your baby wipe recipe, but I will work on it some more and get back to you!

This websites recipe calls for
1.  One 4 oz bar of any type of soap
2.  One gallon of water

    Grate the bar of soap with a hand grater.  Bring your gallon of water to a boil.  Add in the grated soap.  Boil soap shavings in water until completely dissolved.  Turn off stove eye and remove from heat.  Stir very well and let cool for 15 minutes.  Mix with hand mixer and let stand over night.  Mix with hand mixer again in the morning.

    I hope to get the chance to try this again the right way.  I hope all of you enjoy this.

Here's the link!

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

My Grandmother is in Cardiac Intensive Care Unit

     I have been very busy lately.  My Grandmother had to have an ambulance take her to the emergency room last Wednesday morning.  She had a heart attack in the emergency room.  They took care of her and saved her.  She is still in the Cardiac Intensive Care Unit.  She has fluid on her lungs and her condition is still very fragile. 
    It is very difficult to only be able to sit back and wait.  This waiting has all but encompassed my every thought.  I have thought several times I should really sit down and write a blog.  I simply do not have a mind full of thoughts, ideas, questions to research. 
    I suppose I could research heart health and blog about what I find.   My Grandparents  lived pretty healthy lives.  I suppose sooner or later no matter how healthy you live something will still go wrong.  I might even go so far to say, if they had not lived as healthy of a life that they might not have lived through as much as they have.
     Any way, I just wanted to let every one know I have not forgotten you...  I will be back loud and proud before you know it.  LOL!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

The Behavior Theropist

    My now three year old middle son has always been quit the handful and challenge.  I know from being here that there are many contributing factors.  I was already having panic attacks when he was conceived and continued while I was expecting him until shortly after he was born.  He was post due and had to be induced.  We were just minutes from being able to leave the hospital when they came back to tell us he could not leave yet because he was jaundiced and needed to stay over night at least in the hospital to say on the lights.  I was discharged but they had a little room I could stay in while he was there.  He was able to go home late the next evening but he needed more light treatment.  They arranged for him to have the light treatment at home.  He had to stay on the lights for a week.  I could only take him off of them to feed and change him.  The nurse came every day to check his Billy Ruben count. 
    Not long after that he started crying for 6 weeks at a time.  No other symptoms, so I thought he must just be colicky.  He also had a super strong startle reflex.  Most babies when you lay them down to sleep will stat a little maybe a little jump and flutter their eyes and go back to sleep.  My son would start sitting straight up, eyes wide open and start screaming and crying!  I had to either hold him, or go to bed with him to get him to stay asleep, and man talk about fighting sleep.  I had to rock him almost aggressively and hum loudly in a monotone.  He would fight harder if I sang or spoke sweetly, just seemed to irritate him further.  Years later as he would still frequently do the just being intolerably ill for 6 weeks at a time, still no other symptoms, I finally took him to the doctor.  He had strep throat.  Now as I had learned his symptoms for strep, not only was he having it 4-6 times a year but I realized that was what all that crying most likely was when he was a baby.  It escalated to him having strep 5 times in 5 months, so we had his tonsils out.  That one thing has just made the most dramatic difference in his behavior and development.
     Having his tonsils out had made such a dramatic difference that I was not even sure he still needed the appointment with the behavior therapist.  After much thought and observing, I decided that we were still having a big problem in the area of violence.  He has improved but not enough.  He still gets in trouble several times a day for hitting, punching, and kicking and scratching his brother especially but not exclusively.
    So I went for the preliminary appointment and told them all I was concerned about and filled out all the paper work.  Then the next appointment was for me to bring him back.  We talked about what he was doing that I was worried about and what I was doing about it.  I told her all about putting him in time out, even in the grocery store.  That when he throws a fit cause he does not like change, so every time we go from one activity to another its time for a fit, that I don't even let him stop me.  We would never get any thing done if I stopped every time he threw a fit.  So I just pick him up kicking and screaming and go one with what ever I was doing.   She ask me how I came up with these techniques and I said trial and error.  She said why did you not just give up!  I said I think I am just stubborn.  She said, I guess we know he comes by it honestly.  Ha Ha!
     I have read articles about all kinds of things about parenting now, but when I started with my first born I did not know what I was doing and I was doing the same thing with him... The difference is that because the second son was more difficult I faltered from my technique searching desperately for any thing that would work better.  Surely even with the research I have done, is not all parenting trial and error. 
    She said my techniques were well researched and recommended a little tweaking.  One thing she recommended was that when it came time for time out that time out does not count until they are sitting still and being quiet.  I had not cared if they cried and did not like it, after all its a punishment.  The first few days of making my son stay still and quiet for just 3 minutes were not pleasant.  The first night he stayed for two hours before he finally sat still and was quiet for 3 minutes.  The second night it was three hours and he only sat still and quiet finally because he nodded off as it was bed time.  She also recommended a time out last 1 and 1 half minute per year of their age.  I have had such a hard time getting just the three minutes out of my son that I thought I would build up to that time gradually. 
    Of course no change like this just works out smoothly.  For privacy sake I will just say, one member of my family said they flat out refuse to do this technique when they have the kids and that I must have misunderstood the therapist and they were going to call the therapist because my son was not capable of this.  I only even bring that part up, because I know I am not the only person to face some adversity when it comes to seeking consistent discipline for the kids.  I can't say that I even know the exact solution for this type of problem.  All I can say is that I did then, and have continued since, standing up for my choice as the parent of these children. 

Thursday, May 17, 2012

15 Things You Should Give Up to Be Happy

    One of my family members posted this link to their facebook this morning.  I found it equally inspirational as the one I shared the link for last week, 15 Differences Between Happy and Unhappy People!  I am always encouraged when I read one of these things and realize how many of these suggestions that I already knew, understood, or live by.  I also find it very inspirational to read suggestions that apply to areas of life that I am currently dealing with.  To read that what I was thinking, but lacking confidence in, is the right answer is really encouraging!  I think we all find it inspirational when we find something that we did not even realize was part of the problem.  Talk about all of the time and effort saved by finding the right advice at the right time.
    It is truly difficult for me to pick a few of these fifteen as more applicable to my life and what I have been going through currently.  I can not begin to express how this morning specifically was just the right time for me to find and read this!   I think one of these 15 that I have to admit really sunk in for me is to give up your need to impress others.  I think that it was not my true intention to please people but that I grew so tired of being so different and feeling so discriminated against and thinking my family was suffering for my unique, independent, eccentric personality.  Now on the opposite side of people pleasing I am back where I had been when I was a teenager and finally stopped people pleasing.  I realize that people are always going to be critical and controlling and discriminate no matter how far you go to please them.  Sadly the same people are always just as critical, controlling and discriminative.  If I am going to catch the same malarkey either way I might as well be living and enjoying my life to the fullest!
    Another one that I found inspirational is giving up attachment.  I suppose I had never heard or read put into words the difference in being attached to some one or thing and loving some one or thing.  The difference being attachment is formed in fear and love is pure and kind and selfless.  Giving up on all attachments leads us to peace!   I think some where in my mind I knew or have experienced this difference.  It is really helpful to see it put into words.
    Giving up living to other peoples expectations to me really ties together with giving up needing to impress people.   To me all of the criticism and discrimination and negativity and disapproval would go away if I just try to at least outwardly try to behave in a situational appropriate method.  The same way I would behave professionally at a job, I would just do the same thing for people who were not comfortable with my true self.   The problem is that that is almost every one all the way down to the nearest and dearest.  In one way or another all but every single person in my life has one problem with me or another with me, my opinions, my optimism, my beliefs, my fashion since, music taste etc...  This article is dead on when they say the problem with this is that sooner or later you forget about your self and who you are and what you like and love!  I have been drowning in this for so long now. 
   I am so glad to have had the opportunity to read this article.  I am even more glad to have to opportunity to share it with all of you! 

Here's the link!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Homemade Oatmeal Shampoo

    I found this recipe for Homemade Oatmeal Shampoo about a year ago!  I really love the benefits of oat beauty products.  They can be very pricey, so I was super excited to find this!  Of course I have tried this recipe a few different ways so I will tell you the way this web site recommends and the way I tried it and liked it!

Homemade Oatmeal Shampoo!
1.  Boil two cups of water.
2.  After water is boiling fold in 1/2 cup of oatmeal.  (like from the big tube)
3.  Stir and let boil for about a minute.
4.  Turn off heat and continue stirring.
5.  Let cool for about 20 minutes.
6.  Strain with coffee filter to leave only the fluid.
7.  Add your favorite essential oil's like lavender.
    To use just put the drained fluid in practically any type of container and take to the shower or tub.  Wet hair thoroughly.  Gently pour fluid content onto your scalp and hair.  Leave it on for about one minute.  Rinse thoroughly with warm water.  Then rinse thoroughly with cool water. 

Vinegar Conditioning rinse!
1.  1/2 cup water
2.  2 tablespoons apple cyder vinegar.
3.  Stir.
     To use just pour mixture carefully on scalp and hair and then rinse with warm water then cool water. This conditioning rinse may not be safe for color treated hair.

Now for my adaptation.
1.  Follow the same recipe above for Homemade Oatmeal Shampoo.  ( I don't use essential oils but I want to try.) 
2.  I could not get the fluid through my coffee filters so I use a wire mesh hand held tea strainer.
     I love using this oatmeal shampoo recipe.  It makes my hair feel as soft as my 16 month old baby girl!  I can't wait to research homemade shampoo on the internet again soon to try to find new ideas to try out!  I also like to make a larger amount of this recipe and use this as a body wash.  I like to use the homemade oatmeal face scrub on my body as well.  This Oatmeal shampoo is a little easier clean up after words.  It is a food product so always remember to clean up thoroughly when you are done!

Here's the website!

Friday, May 4, 2012

Homemade Oatmeal Face Scrub

    I found these websites almost a year ago.  I have psoriasis and sensitive skin and I am allergic to lanolin so it is hard for me to find practically any skin product that does not irritate my skin.  I love using Aveno Oatmeal products but they are so expensive I can't afford to buy them often.  I wanted to find out what I could make at home that would give me the results I wanted with out the price hefty price tag. 
    The first of these is a homemade oatmeal scrub.  This website has several varieties of oatmeal scrub.  I will tell you three of these and then one that I put together that I am happy with the results.  I gathered this information as well as other information about home remedies for my skin problems.  I put all of this information together in one scrub.  To me one of the best things about making any thing at home is how easily you can make it exactly what you need!

Most Basic Oatmeal Scrub

1.  2 tablespoons of oatmeal.  (like from the big tube of oats)
2.  2 tablespoons of water.

    Mix these two ingredients together and use to scrub your face.  You can leave it on for 3 minutes for better results.  Rinse thoroughly with warm water and then slash with cold water.  That's all.  I have learned that you can play with the quantity of oats and water to get the consistency that you like the best.

Oat and Baking Soda Scrub

1.  2 tablespoons Oats.
2.  2 tablespoons Baking Soda
3.  2 tablespoons Water.

    The instructions are the same as above for all Oatmeal Scrub recipes!

Oat and Apple Cyder Vinegar Scrub

1.  2 tablespoons Oats.
2.  2 tablespoons Apple Cyder Vinegar.
3.  2 tablespoons Water.

    Again, instructions are the same as above!

Now for my personal Oat Scrub

1.  2 tablespoons Oats.
2.  2 tablespoons Baking Soda.
3.  2 tablespoons Apple Cyder Vinegar.
4.  2 tablespoons Water.

    Same instructions!

    I like to make any of these wonderful Oatmeal Scrubs to a larger quantity and use them in the shower as a body scrub as well.  I love these scrubs so much I want to use them every day.  The only reason I do not use them every day is simple convenience.  I don't always have time to run to the kitchen and even do this quick easy prep and take it to the shower and scrub down and wait three minutes and rinse with warm and then with cold.  I curse the ease of use of conventional body wash.  (Ha ha)  One thing to remember!  These scrubs are made from food products so you will need to clean your sink or tub or shower area very well when you are done! 

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

15 Differences Between Happy People and Unhappy People

    A friend of mine posted this link to my facebook today and I found it very inspirational.  This article talks about 15 things that are different between happy and unhappy people.  I guess every one wants to know how to be more happy, so of course I read it!  I would say most of the things on this list I was either aware of or actively do in my life.  I found some of these things I do but don't actually think about it or how it effects my personal happiness or how my doing things this way effect how I interact with other people. 
    This article is explaining how when happy people do any of these 15 things verses the opposite of that characteristic that is typical the behavior of the unhappy person it usually is irritating to the negative person.  One of the things that I have had a hard time understanding is why when I am around negative people they criticize me and are irritated and, well just so negative towards me.   I learned today that this is one obvious sign that I am in the positive when I experience this. 
    I seem to always need reminding about positive reinforcement with my children.  It is easy to get off track when you are knee deep in the thick of behavior issues with your children.  I have personally never responded to criticism the way a critical person would hope, or even the way I would hope.  It is easy for me to forget that there is an opposite to criticism and that is positive reinforcement.  This much needed reminder is inspirational to me!
    One of the things that also truly inspired me was about living life with meaning and that leading to a life of abundance.  A life of abundance does not have to be what our modern day society would call successful.  I think this is one thing that I needed that reinforcement from an out side source.  Reading this article gave me that boost that I needed to know that I am not just a complete idiot who does not value the right things!
    I really could just go on and on about every little part of this article that was meaningful to me.  I really hope all of you will read this one for your self! 

Here is the link!

Monday, April 30, 2012

I love my new Diabetes Diet!

    I just wanted to share how I have changed my diet and how it has changed me and my health already.  The thing I love so much about changing my diet in this way is that the results were basically immediate.  I don't struggle with my blood sugar and I started dropping weight.  I have lost 9 pounds in 6 weeks.  I had started dieting before I found out about the diabetes and had already cut a lot of my sugar out of my diet and I had lost 2 pounds when I went to the doctors appointment that led to me finding out that I have diabetes.  I have lost 7 of that in the last 4 weeks.  It was probably less than that because its been four weeks since that doctors appointment and it took two weeks to confirm that I had diabetes so I guess 7 pounds in 2 weeks.  I seriously get up every morning to every other morning one or two pounds lighter.  It is very exciting and to think I would have struggled for a year or more to get similar results. 
    I have been eating a lot of healthy low fat protein like turkey, and chicken, and beans, and peanuts, and soy milk.  I have been eating green vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and green beans.  I have been eating low fat cheeses like feta.  I don't think the mozzarella cheese sticks that I have been eating are as low fat as I would like but they make a great snack with some peanuts.  I have been eating fruits high in pectin like grapefruits.  I have been making home made vinaigrette salad dressing with white vinegar and olive oil and salt and pepper.  I have been replacing bad fats with healthy fats.  I found Smart Balance Omega Plus margarine, and mayonnaise and peanut butter that has flax seed oil and other healthy oils and plant starols.  I have been eating  Hodgson Mill Steel Cut oats and putting a pat of my Smart Start margarine with about a half teaspoon worth of cinnamon and maybe one ounce of Silk vanilla soy milk and one Splenda with fiber packet.  I have started eating white carbohydrates in true moderation and mainly eat only 100%  whole grain carbohydrates like 100%  whole grain bread.  I did not have much luck with the 100% whole wheat pasta with my blood sugar so I have reduced eating pastas in extreme moderation. I have been drinking Arizona Green Tea, I prefer diet it has 0 calories but even the regular Arizona Green Tea only has 80 calories per 8 ounce serving.  I have been eating fruits and vegetables high in potassium like bananas and potatoes.  I have not had a problem with my blood sugar with these starchy vegetables although some people do.  I have also been enjoying making yogurt smoothies.  I got some plain yogurt and add some soy milk and some ice and what ever fruit I am in the mood for, I have done coconut once and strawberry banana once.  I have added a splash worth of no sugar added juice for flavor once and I have added a sugar free Carnation Instant Breakfast package to give a chocolate flavor.  My smoothies are usually not as sweet as most people would like so a packet of Splenda probably would make this better to most people but I like them with the natural fruit flavors.   I have been drinking more water.  I found some sugar free creamer for my coffee.  I some times have a diet soda.  I found some good sugar free candies and cookies.  When I get that just can't take it need a sweet treat craving I have one of these very delicious treats.
    It is very good knowing that I am eating healthy for my body and still just dropping weight like I have never been able to before in my life.  I can't help but thinking that this diet would work for any one who needed to loose weight and not just for people who struggle with Diabetes.  With diabetes on the rise in our country I feel confident saying that I think most people would benefit from a Diabetes friendly diet.  No need to wait to be diagnosed with a potentially life threatening disease to make the change.  One thing is for sure as far as I am concerned, I wish I had some way of knowing just how effective this way of eating would be for weight loss.  I would have been on board with this years ago.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Being a working mom might not pay.

    My mom found this news report on Fox 6.  I know I have certainly been having this problem especially since my family grew from just the one child to now having three children.  When I just had the one child he was the first grandchild on both sides of the family and his father and I were not together so there were no shortages of people who wanted to keep him, have him spend the night and even the weekend.   I practically did not even need to worry about child care.  Since my second child was born I found that people were more reluctant to keep the two children.  If I wanted to go back to work I was gonna have to arrange child care.  Now that I have three children people don't even want to come visit much less want to run the risk of possibly being asked to be left alone with all of these kids.  (Ha ha) 
    My personal situation is a little different than many peoples would be.  I home school my oldest son.  If I went back to work now I would have to put him into public school.  I am not even sure that there is a child care solution for him at the age of 9 years old, other than hiring some one to come to my home to baby sit him.  I have thought many times that hiring a baby sitter to sit with my children at home would be one of my better options.  Either way I slice it, hiring one sitter for three kids or putting the oldest in public school and the younger ones in day care, would be expensive.  Even with a full time job at my education level earning minimum wage, I basically could not afford to pay child care expense and afford to drive back and forth to work and especially not have my own place with bills and possibly a car payment and forget car insurance.  Even adding another job does not help because that adds more child care. 
    So there you have it.  A single working mother can not afford to work.  I have also done this math with several income levels and it still does not work.  It is not just a minimum wage.  You could technically have a high enough level of income to afford child care and the basic necessities. I have not done the math higher than two times minimum wage because even if I went to college to attain a degree you would be very lucky to start out making double minimum wage.  Many careers top out at about double minimum wage.  One more thing to add to this topic is that even if I attend an online college course the only way I am going to have time to get in good studying would be to have child care. Student loans, grants, even scholarships don't dish out enough money to start and complete college for a single mom.
    I have even further come to learn on this topic, after years of living it my self, a penny saved truly is a penny earned.  By being a stay at home mom I save more money than I could earn going to work.  It saves gas money like you would not believe.  I prefer to have a car for emergencies and for running errands and some times we like to do something fun or have a field trip.  With our current emergency system and my small town I do not need a car.  Which means if and when we can not afford for me to have a car it is inconvenient but not the end of the world. Obviously I save money on child care by being at home.  I have time to home school my oldest son and even though the initial expenses of home school enrollment and curriculum can be expensive it is still less expensive than public school.  I make our meals at home.  That has many advantages but is less expensive and more healthy than going out to eat more often because of time restraint of having the super busy schedule.  I am able to grocery shop more effectively and that helps the grocery budget.  I don't clip coupons because I believe they are part of the reason for increased grocery prices.  I do shop to find a good price and usually surprise my self.  I have time to grocery shop every week so I can get a greater variety of food to eat at the good prices as apposed to buying a month worth of what is on sell on my one shopping day.  I make things home made that I might not have time to make other wise, like baby wipes and laundry detergent that really make an impact on our budget.   I have found that there are always money saving things that I can find to do to help make they money we have to work with do what it needs to do.  Where as when you are earning a living it seems like you can almost never earn enough money to make it.
    There is so much more on the topic of ways that you save.  It is hard for me to cut my self off at this point but I think I have made the point.  Maybe I will write another blog about ways to save money in your home.

Here's the link!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I was just diagnosed with Diabetes.

    About a month ago I went to a doctors visit for another health issue and my new primary physician gave me the full blood work number that she does all new patients.  She called back a week later saying my diabetes test was high and she wanted me to come back to retest. A few days later when I could I went back to be retested.  One week later she called and said it was high again so I am diabetic now.  She said my AIC level was 6.5.  She wanted me to come in as soon as I could to get prescriptions for diabetes and cholesterol and get my glucose meter and supplies and learn to use them.  She said my cholesterol is not high for a normal person but it is for a diabetic. 
    After she called me the second time with the final results, of course, I looked up what I could online.  I wanted to know if the medications were safe while I am nursing my 15 month old and what I could expect to change about my diet.  I wanted to know if the medications were not safe what I could do with my diet to possibly make do with out the medications until I am ready to ween my little girl.
    I found lots of helpful websites full of information regarding all of my concerns.  I went to the grocery store and bought what I could in accordance with what I found.  I have been eating this slightly altered diet for about a week now.  I started the day before my return to the doctors office to get my prescriptions and glucose meter.  So when the nurse taught me how to use my glucose meter my blood sugar was 83.  That is on the low side of normal.  The nurse then said that was good and that my blood sugar had not been testing high just my AIC level.
    I went to Wal-Mart pharmacy to get my prescriptions filled the next day after my appointment.  My prescriptions were on their $4 list.  That is great because I cant really afford an expensive health problem at this time in my life.  I ask the pharmacist if my prescriptions were safe while I am nursing and she looked it up and said no.  I told her about my blood sugar readings that that I am not having any trouble keeping my blood sugar at this level always testing about the same between 93 and 110 at my before and after eating.  She said that the AIC test indicates that my blood sugar must have been high some time in the last three months because that's what makes your AIC level high like that.
    I wanted to experiment now that I have my glucose meter to see if any of my favorite no no foods or drinks would effect my blood sugar in a negative way.  I went out for Mexican food and had a Margarita with my dinner.  It did not effect my blood sugar negatively.  I had learned previously after much research that it is safe to have up to 2 serving sizes of alcohol per day while you are nursing.  I researched donating breast milk for the NICU.  Not only did I learn that they do the breast milk donation program to make real breast milk formula for the premature babies that some times can not latch on and nurse yet, and that it saves lives of infants, but that according to their standard of what is acceptable quality breast milk allows 2 servings of alcohol per day.  If its safe for the NICU its good enough for me.  I don't drink every day but it is nice to have a final word on the matter.
    I also wanted to test some of the other no no's.  Yesterday for dinner I had two slices of pizza with white bread crust.  The white carbs are the no no here.  It did not effect my blood sugar negatively.  I had a soda yesterday after noon, no negative effect.  I went to the drive in movie and just let it go just to see.  I had chili cheese fries and a large soda and a hot chocolate over the course of 2 movies and no negative effect.
    The only thing I have noticed weird about my blood sugar is that according to what I know at this point that your after you eat blood sugar taken 2 hours after eating should be higher.  Mine is the on the same scale before and after.  I have been eating 5 times a day for a very long time now.  I have always experienced this strong hunger some times dizzy, light headed, irritable and hands shaking about every two to three hours. It does not make any difference even if I stuff my self I will just be hungry again any way.  I just eat until I am full and stop cause I know I will be hungry again soon any way.  I did not think of my meal sizes as small.  I can usually hold like 2 pieces of pizza.  So I guess that is kind of small compared to what some adults my age eat. 
    I guess for me after getting so worried at hearing the term diabetic that it is a little anticlimactic for my blood sugar to be a lot more normal than I was expecting.  I guess I always thought that this savere hunger came from having low blood sugar and that's why I eat so often.  Feeling this hungry feels to my body like I am in danger of my blood sugar plummeting and that I might pass out or something.  When I check my blood sugar though it shows that it is just still at mid ground.  I also have to keep my temperament in mind because I am dealing with small children all day every day and when I am shaky and irritable it makes it more difficult to keep my cool with the constant chaos.
    The diet information that I found online is simple and easy to understand.  For high blood sugar basically you need to eat less sugar obviously as in sugar sweet drinks and candy.  Sugar can also be found hiding in all kinds of foods that you buy at the grocery store so it is important to read labels.  White carbohydrates break down as sugar in your body so they are to be avoided as well.  100% whole grain breads and pastas are good for you and high in fiber.  I found some foods can help reduce your blood sugar as apposed to just not making it higher.  Peanuts are one of the major contributors to lower blood sugar.  One web site said that people who ate peanuts or peanut butter 5 times a week had consistently lower blood sugar.  Peanuts are not the only nut on the helpful list other nuts as well are attributed with reduced blood sugar.  It says to try to eat unsalted nuts because the sodium level of eating nuts that often can be dangerous.  I also found that spinach helps reduce blood sugar.  Vinegar also reduces blood sugar.  There are several others but that is a good start.
    To help reduce cholesterol the formula is simple.  Take in less bad fat and put in more good fat and increase fiber to keep every thing moving along. Nuts were on the cholesterol list as well as the diabetes list.  That makes one easy diet change.  Olive oil is a healthy form of fat for your diet.  You can eat about one tablespoon full a day.  This goes well with my spinach and vinegar from the diabetes diet.  Spinach salad with home made vinaigrette any one.  Soy is good for cholesterol.  I had to read the back of the package to find a soy milk that I can stand the taste of that had a reasonable sugar level. There are many other things, I just wanted to give some basics.  These are things that I found helpful easy tips and wanted to share.
    I also looked up some of my favorite foods and drinks to see if they would still be OK for me to eat.  Things like pizza and sushi, because of the white rice, and alcohol can be hard on your blood sugar.  One of my favorite foods is feta cheese.  I was glad to find out that it is a lower fat cheese and a good nutritional source as well as other low fat cheeses for diabetics to eat as snacks and with food. 

Here are some of the helpful websites that I found.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Homemade Strep Throat Prevention

    I found a web site that had this simple recipe for strep throat prevention.  I have used it, and altered it to my liking and had success using this in my home.  I can not find the website now.  I don't like using a source that I can't site.  I will pass the information on by saying this is not original from my mind and if any one knows of the website that I speak of I would love to have the address to add to this post.

You will need
1. One part Listerine equivalent mouthwash.
2. One part honey.

 Mix together thoroughly and gargle.  You can use this three times a day or as needed if you already have strep throat and once a day to prevent strep if you get chronic strep throat.

I use
1. One part Listerine equivalent mouthwash.
2. One part hydrogen peroxide.

    I found the honey and Listerine to not have the best texture or flavor for the frequency of use needed.  In my online research I found that honey is a natural peroxide agent and that is why it is good for oral hygiene and treatment of strep throat, sore throats, and canker sores.  Basically any type of oral health issue.  So I decided to try it with Hydrogen Peroxide and was satisfied.  It bubbles in the back of your throat so it can be difficult gargling but well worth the effort. 
    I could not get my 3 year old to come near any thing mint or cinnamon or anything else he called "too spicy" when he was battling his strep throat battle.  He did have to have his tonsils out.  I did get the rest of my family on board with using this preventative.  I realized at one of my sons doctors appointments that I realized he needed to come to the doctor because my throat was sore.  I have to say that using this treatment none of my other family members needed to have antibiotics for strep even though my 3 year old had it five times in five months. With that much strep exposure my entire family and I may have ended up with needing our tonsils out.  I am glad to say we are all doing much better and even though my son had his toncils out he still has had strep one time.  That is still quite the improvement!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent!

    I found this recipe online just about a week ago.  I ran out of my store bought dishwasher detergent and thought I would see what I could find to use. I tried it out and it worked fine!  I was super excited!

It is so easy!
1. One part Arm & Hammer Washing Soda. (I used one tablespoon as I only wanted to do one load)
2. One part Borax 20 Mules.  (I used one tablespoon as I only wanted to do one load)

Mix and use as you would any other dishwasher powder.

    I found one other website that I think gave me the magic ingredient.  The first website said their dishes came out gritty even after scouring dishes before loading.  The second website recommended using vinegar as rinsing agent just like you would any other store bought rinsing agent. 

1. Finish the rinsing agent you currently have in your dishwasher.
2. Rinse out the residue from the rinsing agent.
3. Pour about 4 tablespoons of vinegar into the place for rinsing agent in your machine.
4. Use for about 4 loads of dishes and then add more.

    I found this especially great because I keep these ingredients around my house and an easy alternative to store bought dishwasher detergent and rinsing agent. The only thing I noticed that I was less than thrilled with is because this super basic recipe has no scent my dishes did not have that lemon scent that I guess I am used to. I found other websites with other more complicated recipes that called for sugar free lemon aid kool aid packets.  I am interested in trying them and will let you know if I do.  At that moment I needed something with the ingredient's that I had available at hand and this one fit the bill. 

Here are the websites!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Homemade Laundry Detergent

    I started using this homemade laundry detergent about a year ago.  Using this recipe has really saved money for my house hold.  I have had some trouble with it because some times it does not clear stains as well as I would like.  I will tell you today what I have done to tweak this recipe to make it work better for me.
You will need,
1. Bar of your favorite bar soap. ( I prefer Ivory)
2. One cup of Borax 20 Mule Team
3. One cup of Arm & Hammer Washing Soda.

    This website recommends grating the bar of soap and stirring in the other two ingredients for 5 miniutes and enjoy.  They recommend using one tablespoon of laundry for an average size load and two tablespoons for heavily soiled laundry. This type of laundry detergent does not produce soap suds and so it is safe for high efficiency washing machines.
    I have tried a few variations of this and the one that seems to work the best for me is to add 1/2 to 1 cup of color safe bleach powder and one more bar of soap. I also have found out that if I microwave the bar of soap it will puff up and soften and I can smash it up with a fork to about the same consistency as I can get grating it and it seems easier to me. I microwave about 1 minuet on high per bar of soap.
This is the website that I found this!

Monday, April 9, 2012

Homemade hair lightening recipe!

    I researched this topic online almost a year ago and now I cant find the exact website that I found this information on.  Apparently there is new information on this topic out there and that is just great!  I am going to start with the recipe that I have personally tried. 

1. 1/4 of a lemon worth of lemon juice.
2. 2 tablespoons of honey.
3. 1/2 cup of your favorite hair conditioner.

    You just mix together these three ingredients and put the mixture on your hair starting at the root and working down to the tips.  Leave on your hair for 4 hours.  You can use a hair cap but a plastic grocery bag will work just secure on your head well. You will need to wash it out with shampoo when you are finished because of the honey and condition after you have washed thoroughly.  This solution does tend to dry your hair slightly. 
    I personally had subtle results at first.  The good news is that any time you use lemon to lighten your hair the result improve every time you go out into the sun.  Because this hair lightener is more gentle than hair bleaching kits you might buy in a store you can do it every couple of weeks to get the results you desire.
    A few things that I found really fun and cool about this recipe is that first of all, when you mix the ingredients together it looks and smells like a regular cream hair dye just with out the strong chemical smell.  Another thing I enjoyed was that it gives your hair a multi tonal color that does not looked dyed just naturally lighter. 

This is the web site that I found that had the closest recipe to this now that I looked for it again.

Friday, March 30, 2012

Homemade baby wipes

    I started looking online last summer ways to save money.  I found how to make homemade baby wipes at this web site! 
    Making these baby wipes has made a huge difference in my family's finacial ability to make it every month!  I had a baby about 6 months old and my middle son had just turned three.  He had chronic strep throat and had to have his toncells out by October last year.  Because he had to keep being on stronger and stronger antibiotics that upset his stomach it made it really difficult to potty train him in addition to the fact that he was sick and just did not feel well.  So I had two babies in diapers and man were we going though diapers and wipes.  My kids skin are all very sensitive and we had learned the hard way that we could not use just any diapers and wipes.  This technique made it possible for me to use products that I knew they were not sensitive to. 
                                                    You will need

1.  A baby wipe container.  This web sit recomends a round baby wipe container but I have used the box style ones with not trouble at all.

2. One role strong paper towels.  I have tried all different types and this is where you get what you pay for.  Now after my experimenting I always get Viva pick a size one ply big roll paper towels.

3. A good sharp knife to cut the roll of paper towels in half.  I can usually get through it with a regular steak knife but I prefer the big knife with a serated edge.

4. 2 cups of water

5. A small pot to boil ingredients.

6. 2 tablespoons of your favorite baby wash

7. 1 tablespoon of baby oil.

    I usually put the 2 cups of water on the stove to boil and add the one tablespoon of baby oil and two tablespoons of baby wash to the water.  While that is heating to boiling temp I cut the paper towels in half with my kitchen knife.  You will want to watch the fluid in the pot because it will boil over super easily.  You will need to turn it off  as soon as it gets to boiling and remove from the stove eye.  On the up side if it boils over and you must clean off the stove it will leave it nice and clean.  Then you will place the half of a roll of paper towels into your baby wipe container.  Then you will pour the fluid over the roll of paper towels.  I leave it to cool for a few minutes and then come back and pull the cardboard tube out from the center of the paper towels.  It will be warm and soft and easy to remove.  You can then just pull the baby wipes from the center of the roll if you like but as I use a square box and mine wont let the lid shut with them standing like that I just lay them on their side and when i am ready to use one I grab the entire roll of wipes and unwind how many I need at the moment.  It has not been a hindrance to my process I just learned for me its easier to prep my wipes before I remove the diaper. 

    Even with two babies in diapers I was only using about one roll of these per week.  That is only 2 rolls of paper towels a month.  With such a small amount of the other ingredients you can imagine how slowly you go through them.  Even with the Viva paper towels my wipes are costing about a dollar per pack of wipes.  $4.00 per month for two babies worth of baby wipes is a little amazing I think!  Also, I almost never need more than three of these wipes and that's for a serious mess. 
    If you use just about any type of modern type of baby wash it is most likely sting free these baby wipes are gentle and safe enough to use the same as you would regular baby wipes.  You can use them on faces, hands, clothes, what ever part of your baby may need a touch up.  I have been using these wipes in my home and on my children for a year now and have not seen any adverse health or hygiene problems as a result from using these wipes as apposed to regular wipes.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Nursing Nightmare

    When I was a young first time mother, I had such a hard time nursing.  I kept having bleeding and cracked nipples and soooo much pain!  I ask experts and other mothers and the doctor and they all said the same thing.  Every one I ask said that I should not have that severe of irritation and that my sweet baby boy and I must not be in a good position and getting a good latch on.  I was very determined and in spite of the fact that it hurt so bad and no matter how hard I tried I could not make any difference, I did not give up.  Naturally the entire time I was lathering my poor injured nipples with the lanolin the nurses had given me when we were in the hospital for delivery.  Eventually I ran out of that stuff and eventually my body healed and I carried on to nurse my first born for 14 months. 
    In the delivery room as I was in labor about an hour away from delivering my middle child, my mother comes out with this long lost memory that my brother had been allergic to lanolin and she was willing to bet that I was too.  As it turns out I do indeed have a skin allergy to lanolin and I have now made sure that all of my skin products are lanolin free.  I did not use lanolin ointment at all nursing my either of my other two babies and have never again had such a severe problem. 
    With my youngest daughter they have finally come out with some alternative ointment and other treatments that are milk based.  I bought them on account to support the movement but I have almost not needed them at all.
    This story is just to say even if you are having a really hard time it can still be worth it to nurse your babies.  Some times there is a problem that no one knew existed yet.  Medical and nursing professionals did not know any one could be allergic to lanolin.  Here's your proof!  *_-

Hello Everyone!

Mom                     Do it yourself                    Home remedies                               Family                  Child Rearing

Favorite Products            Research             Experiment        Wine     Food      Recipes                               

Save money and the earth!         Breastfeeding                   Travel                   Health                  Diet       Fitness

                MissCrys here and I am a stay at home mother of three children, ages 9, 3, and 14mos.  I am always looking for ways to save money and our planet.  I am always looking up home remedies and do it your self options for my home and family.  I research any thing I can think of online and experiment at home with the information that I find.  Some of what I have found has worked for my family and some, not so much.  I love food and wine and trying new recipes.  I have breastfed all three of my children as babies.  I love to travel all though I do not get to do it as much as I would like to I hope to be getting back into the swing of that as soon as possible.  I am trying to loose the baby weight and get back into shape so I currently have a strong interest in health diet and fitness.