Monday, March 26, 2012

Nursing Nightmare

    When I was a young first time mother, I had such a hard time nursing.  I kept having bleeding and cracked nipples and soooo much pain!  I ask experts and other mothers and the doctor and they all said the same thing.  Every one I ask said that I should not have that severe of irritation and that my sweet baby boy and I must not be in a good position and getting a good latch on.  I was very determined and in spite of the fact that it hurt so bad and no matter how hard I tried I could not make any difference, I did not give up.  Naturally the entire time I was lathering my poor injured nipples with the lanolin the nurses had given me when we were in the hospital for delivery.  Eventually I ran out of that stuff and eventually my body healed and I carried on to nurse my first born for 14 months. 
    In the delivery room as I was in labor about an hour away from delivering my middle child, my mother comes out with this long lost memory that my brother had been allergic to lanolin and she was willing to bet that I was too.  As it turns out I do indeed have a skin allergy to lanolin and I have now made sure that all of my skin products are lanolin free.  I did not use lanolin ointment at all nursing my either of my other two babies and have never again had such a severe problem. 
    With my youngest daughter they have finally come out with some alternative ointment and other treatments that are milk based.  I bought them on account to support the movement but I have almost not needed them at all.
    This story is just to say even if you are having a really hard time it can still be worth it to nurse your babies.  Some times there is a problem that no one knew existed yet.  Medical and nursing professionals did not know any one could be allergic to lanolin.  Here's your proof!  *_-

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