Monday, July 16, 2012

Aloe vera sore throat remedy

    I went to bed with a low grade fever and woke up with a sore throat and achy body and still running a low grade fever.  I suppose I need to go to the doctor to be tested for strep throat, but in the mean time, I need to treat my symptoms at home.  My throat was sore this morning and I woke up wanting some of my aloe juice.  I drank one 4 oz serving and it soothed my throat so more I drank two more 4 oz servings.  Drinking the aloe juice soothed my sore throat so well that even now at least 2 hours later I have not had more juice but I still have had no sore throat. I thought 'man I gotta google that.'
    This is what I found.  We all know aloe is some great stuff.  It has so many nutrients and healing properties, and vitamins, all with no harmful side effects with regular use.  I think I could write another 20 blogs on just aloe alone. 
    This web site says that you can drink or gargle with aloe to sooth a sore throat.  It gives a recipe for aloe gargle that you can use to sooth a sore throat.  It says if you put a lid on this mouth wash it will keep up to 4 months unrefrigerated.  Woo Hoo. 

Here it is!
1.  1/4 cup witch hazel extract.
2.  1/4 cup aloe vera gel
3.  1 teaspoon vegetable glycerin
4.  1 tablespoon lemon juice or organic apple cyder vinegar
5.  10 drops tea tree oil

    Shake well

    When purchasing aloe juice or products just be sure to check the label and make sure it is 95% aloe, and avoid purchasing those with less than 80% pure aloe vera content.  I am so excited to have a chance to read this and you can bet I will be blogging more about the benefits of aloe!

Heres the link

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How to make bar soap into liquid soap chemical free

    Just a few days ago I ran out of baby wash for making my homemade baby wipes.  I got online to see if I could make liquid soap.  This worked just fine.  Of course I made a few mistakes but it was enough to get me by for the time being. 
    I misread the ingredients and thought it said to use a 8 oz bar of soap, it says to use a 4 oz bar, and so my liquid came out way too thick in the end.  When I had it on the stove it was still hot and very liquid so I thought it might not measure the same as regular liquid soap in my baby wipe recipe so I added more than normal and my baby wipes came out too soapy.  Now I am having to rinse my wipes off before I use them on the baby.  This is why I can't say yet just how to use this recipe as a substitute for liquid soap in your baby wipe recipe, but I will work on it some more and get back to you!

This websites recipe calls for
1.  One 4 oz bar of any type of soap
2.  One gallon of water

    Grate the bar of soap with a hand grater.  Bring your gallon of water to a boil.  Add in the grated soap.  Boil soap shavings in water until completely dissolved.  Turn off stove eye and remove from heat.  Stir very well and let cool for 15 minutes.  Mix with hand mixer and let stand over night.  Mix with hand mixer again in the morning.

    I hope to get the chance to try this again the right way.  I hope all of you enjoy this.

Here's the link!