Friday, May 11, 2012

Homemade Oatmeal Shampoo

    I found this recipe for Homemade Oatmeal Shampoo about a year ago!  I really love the benefits of oat beauty products.  They can be very pricey, so I was super excited to find this!  Of course I have tried this recipe a few different ways so I will tell you the way this web site recommends and the way I tried it and liked it!

Homemade Oatmeal Shampoo!
1.  Boil two cups of water.
2.  After water is boiling fold in 1/2 cup of oatmeal.  (like from the big tube)
3.  Stir and let boil for about a minute.
4.  Turn off heat and continue stirring.
5.  Let cool for about 20 minutes.
6.  Strain with coffee filter to leave only the fluid.
7.  Add your favorite essential oil's like lavender.
    To use just put the drained fluid in practically any type of container and take to the shower or tub.  Wet hair thoroughly.  Gently pour fluid content onto your scalp and hair.  Leave it on for about one minute.  Rinse thoroughly with warm water.  Then rinse thoroughly with cool water. 

Vinegar Conditioning rinse!
1.  1/2 cup water
2.  2 tablespoons apple cyder vinegar.
3.  Stir.
     To use just pour mixture carefully on scalp and hair and then rinse with warm water then cool water. This conditioning rinse may not be safe for color treated hair.

Now for my adaptation.
1.  Follow the same recipe above for Homemade Oatmeal Shampoo.  ( I don't use essential oils but I want to try.) 
2.  I could not get the fluid through my coffee filters so I use a wire mesh hand held tea strainer.
     I love using this oatmeal shampoo recipe.  It makes my hair feel as soft as my 16 month old baby girl!  I can't wait to research homemade shampoo on the internet again soon to try to find new ideas to try out!  I also like to make a larger amount of this recipe and use this as a body wash.  I like to use the homemade oatmeal face scrub on my body as well.  This Oatmeal shampoo is a little easier clean up after words.  It is a food product so always remember to clean up thoroughly when you are done!

Here's the website!


  1. Hi. Great info.! How much of the liquid do you use per time.? I tried it this week and don't think i used enough. I love using it as a face lotion., hand lotion., and its great for my psoriasis! Also., how long does it last before it goes off given that its food? I keep mine in the fridge., and warm it up each time i need.
    Thanks again.
    Alison bell
    God bless

  2. Bad recipe. I use oats/arrowroot/rice flour and frozen raspberries all processed in my food processor and store the mixture in the freezer so the raspberries don't spoil the concoction. I then add vinegar, cream or water depending on the condition of my hair. It's amazing because the oats absorb grease and release their milky conditioner to give you silky thick stands. But if you don't want to apply foods directly to your hair, stick with this recipe.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Hello, why did you say that this conditioning may not be safe for color-treated hair?

  5. Well done. Easy to make natural shampoo. But let me know what other essentials can be applied to the head, eg jasmine or sandal wood. Is this shampoo effective after applying warm oil to the hair?

  6. Well done. Easy to make natural shampoo. But let me know what other essentials can be applied to the head, eg jasmine or sandal wood. Is this shampoo effective after applying warm oil to the hair?

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