Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Homemade Dishwasher Detergent!

    I found this recipe online just about a week ago.  I ran out of my store bought dishwasher detergent and thought I would see what I could find to use. I tried it out and it worked fine!  I was super excited!

It is so easy!
1. One part Arm & Hammer Washing Soda. (I used one tablespoon as I only wanted to do one load)
2. One part Borax 20 Mules.  (I used one tablespoon as I only wanted to do one load)

Mix and use as you would any other dishwasher powder.

    I found one other website that I think gave me the magic ingredient.  The first website said their dishes came out gritty even after scouring dishes before loading.  The second website recommended using vinegar as rinsing agent just like you would any other store bought rinsing agent. 

1. Finish the rinsing agent you currently have in your dishwasher.
2. Rinse out the residue from the rinsing agent.
3. Pour about 4 tablespoons of vinegar into the place for rinsing agent in your machine.
4. Use for about 4 loads of dishes and then add more.

    I found this especially great because I keep these ingredients around my house and an easy alternative to store bought dishwasher detergent and rinsing agent. The only thing I noticed that I was less than thrilled with is because this super basic recipe has no scent my dishes did not have that lemon scent that I guess I am used to. I found other websites with other more complicated recipes that called for sugar free lemon aid kool aid packets.  I am interested in trying them and will let you know if I do.  At that moment I needed something with the ingredient's that I had available at hand and this one fit the bill. 

Here are the websites!


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